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Mobile Homes for Sale in Orange County CA


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4901 Green River Rd Sp 303, Corona CA 

Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Year Built: 1999
Parking: 3 car carport
Others: Open and modern, tile countertops, appliances included, drywal, high cielings, double pane windows.
Park: Green River
Type: Family Park
Space Rent: $1155

- Gym, playgound, club house
- 2 Pool, jacuzzi

Price: $ 81,900

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Mobile Home For SaleSell Your Mobile Home Today

Are you frustrated with trying to sell a mobile home that isn't moving? Are you having trouble finding qualified buyers?

It's not that there are no buyers, its just that Yesterday's selling techniques won't work in Today's market.

Selling your mobile home is that important step to moving on to the important next step of your life. Buying your next home, Retirement, Closing a Probate Estate, Enjoying an inheritance or Solving a difficult financial situation. Don't let an unsold house hold you back!

We want to buy your mobile home today! Call us for a FREE, friendly consultation to see if we can make the deal that let's you realize your dreams.

Why can't you sell your mobile home ? Ugly Mobile Home For Sale

  • The mobile home or house needs lots of repairs
  • I can't find a buyer for my mobile home
  • I have found buyers but they can't obtain a loan
  • My realtor isn't helping much
  • I am behind on payments and may be facing foreclosure
  • I live out of the area and have trouble taking care of the details or getting the mobile home ready for sale
  • I don't have time to sell a mobile home right now
  • I can't afford to pay a real estate commission

Sell_House_Fast_Picture2.jpgWe can help you solve any of these problems and sell your house today! We may be able to

  • Purchase your home today.
  • Buy your mobile home in AS IS condition saving you the time and expense of fixing, cleaning and preparing the mobile home for sale
  • Provide financing for your new buyer
  • Market your mobile home effectively using techniques that work TODAY!
  • Work with your lender to arrange a sale that lets you move on to the next exciting stage of your life
  • Restore your credit

Call us today. We'll make an offer on your home or tell you why its not selling.  There is no obligation.


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